3 Things You Should Do If You Believe You're Losing Your Hearing

Posted on: 30 May 2019

As people get older, sometimes their senses of sight and hearing become weaker. If you find yourself asking friends and family members to repeat themselves, or if people complain that you have the television or radio turned too loud on a regular basis, you may be suffering from hearing loss. The words "hearing loss" can be frightening to contemplate, but fortunately, you have options. Here are three things you should do if you believe you're losing your hearing. [Read More]

Detoxing: More Than Just Weight Loss

Posted on: 14 May 2019

Detox and weight loss often go hand-in-hand, but a detox offers much more. Detox systems also help improve your body's function and performance, which can improve your overall health. If you've stayed away from detox programs because you thought they were all about weight loss, learn the truth. Immune System  Many illnesses are the result of human exchange. When an infected person touches a surface, they transfer their germs. When the next person comes along and touches the same surface, they transfer the germs to their body. [Read More]

Updating Your Pharmacy

Posted on: 19 March 2019

If you own a pharmacy and your pharmacy has had the same design and layout for years, then it may be time for you to stand back and take a look at the way that your pharmacy is currently set up. If you have brought in new products throughout the years and gathered a steady rate of new customers, then you may have outgrown the current layout. However, you may not need to go into a larger space but instead may need to do some redesigning to your current space. [Read More]

The Various Uses Of Liposuction And Aftercare

Posted on: 3 January 2019

Liposuction is not a weight loss tool, but it is an effective way to improve areas that refuse to decrease in size because of fat. It's a cosmetic procedure that is done under a local anesthetic for small areas. While it is used cosmetically for many people, it can also be used to treat medical conditions such as lymphedema, lipodystrophy, or to remove lipomas. Liposuction can be performed using either dry or with saline solution, with ultrasound assistance, or can be done power assisted to make it easier for the fat to come out. [Read More]