4 Medical And Non-Medical Treatments For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Posted on: 7 April 2015

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints in a symmetrical pattern, but can affect organs, such as the heart, lungs and eyes. The complex nature of RA can make finding the right treatment difficult. Managing symptoms, such as pain and fatigue, requires suppression of the immune system to minimize disease activity and finding ways to reduce flares. Prescription And OTC Medications When treatments are successful in slowing the progression of the disease, many people with RA have already suffered joint damage or deformities that cause pain and can contribute to difficulties performing routine tasks. [Read More]

Dental Duels With Your Teen: Should You Advance Or Retreat?

Posted on: 31 March 2015

As a parent of teenagers, you have to choose your battles. There are many issues your teens can take up arms with you about in the course of any 24 hours. As the responsible adult, you have to decide which ones warrant battle advance--and which ones warrant retreat. Some of those issues you choose to retreat on are lessons they need to learn on their own, sometimes painfully. One of those issues in your home might be your teens' oral health. [Read More]

5 Important Things That You Need To Know About Bunions

Posted on: 20 March 2015

Bunions are the sort of thing that no one ever really thinks about until they discover that they've got one on their foot. Bunions range from mild to severe, with the most serious cases requiring surgical removal. Fortunately, many bunions are simply nuisances rather than crippling growths that interfere with daily life. Following are eight things that you need to know about bunions. Bunions Run in Families The development of bunions is thought to be genetic, so your chances of getting them are stronger if you have a family history of bunions. [Read More]

Reducing Tissue Necrosis Concerns After A Facelift

Posted on: 10 March 2015

A facelift surgery from a place like My Plastic Surgery Group can be an ideal procedure if you want to tighten the sagging skin around your face and neck. During the operation, the skin will be cut and pulled back around the edges of your face. Sutures will then be used to close the incisions around the hairline, ears, and neck. Your surgeon will provide you with a variety of care instructions that will help with the healing process after surgery. [Read More]