High Times Can Lead To Low Times In The Dentist Chair

Posted on: 14 December 2015

With the relaxing of marijuana laws in the United States, both medicinal and recreational, there's been an expected increase of marijuana use. But with that increase in legal use, comes an ability for patients to talk openly with their healthcare providers. And that includes dental care providers. You can talk with your dentist candidly about your marijuana use and how it may be affecting your oral health.  That's a good thing, because marijuana use does negatively affect your dental health, and your dental health affects your general health. [Read More]

Understanding The RICE Theory For Sprains And Strains

Posted on: 9 December 2015

If you've suffered your first ever muscle sprain or strain, the local walk in clinic will most likely recommend that you follow the "RICE" plan. The acronym "RICE" is used to reference the steps in the treatment process, which are rest, ice, compression and elevation. If this process is new to you, you may not understand what the process means. Here's a look at the basics to help you understand what you should do. [Read More]

Visual Imagery: A Natural Way To Reduce Chronic Pain

Posted on: 19 November 2015

Chronic pain is something that affects 100 million Americans, but pain is not something that affects everyone the same. If you struggle with chronic pain, the way it affects you has a lot to do with how your brain processes and handles the pain in your body. You can turn to a variety of different treatment options for managing the pain, but some options are less common than others. Visual imagery is one of these options you could try. [Read More]

Care For Your Disabled Adult Child At Home By Meeting Your Needs, Too

Posted on: 30 October 2015

Recently, the Hooper family from New Zealand made international headlines with their decision to seek surgical and hormonal treatment for their severely disabled child. This treatment is preventing her from growing any larger and going through puberty, and has been done in an effort to make it easier for the Hoopers to continue caring for her as she grows into adulthood. If you are the parent of a severely disabled child, you have undoubtedly considered how you will cope in the future, once your child is an adult. [Read More]